Animation - Splines

Add Component Path: BallisticNG -> Animation -> Spline

Splines are paths that objects can travel along.

Scene Gizmos

To manipulate the spline you use the sphere handles in the scene to move the node points and node handles. Selecting a node will show the Unity transform gizmo to allow you to move it.

Inspector Interface

The inspector interface is where you add new points and define their mode.

Loop: Whether the spline loops or not. If you disable this after enabling it, the final node will be detached and left inside the start node for you to move.

Add Node: Adds a new node to the spline. Selecting a spline before the last spline will insert a node between the selected node and the next node.

With a node selected:

Node Position: The position of the selected node.

Node Handles Mode: The mode that will be used for positioning the node handles.

  • Free: Both handles do not interact with each other.

  • Aligned: Both handles share a rotation but the distance is separate.

  • Mirrored: Both handles are mirrored fully

Delete Note: Deletes the node.