Animation - Spline Mover

Add Component Path: BallisticNG -> Animation -> Procedual -> Spline Move


This script is previewable in Unity’s play mode.

The spline mover allows you to move an object along a spline.


Target Spline: The target spline to move the object along. See Animation - Splines

Target Gameobject: The target object to move along the spline.

Duration: How long it will take the object to travel around the spline in seconds

Start Position: Where along the spline the object will Start

Animation Type: The type of animation to use.

  • Once will only play the animation once

  • Loop will play the the animation again once it has finished

  • Pingpong will reverse the animation once it reaches the end and then reverse it again when it reaches the start

Play Automatically: Whether the animation should start when the track loads.

Script Trigger Methods

StartAnimation(): Starts playback of the animation.