Generic Triggers - Delayed

Add Component Path: BallisticNG -> Triggers Generic -> Delayed Trigger

A trigger that waits for the set number of seconds before fireing.

To fire this trigger, call the Trigger() method.

Trigger Properties

On Lua Trigger: Calls the OnTriggered method on the lua script object when triggered.

Trigger Event: What to do when the trigger is fired.

Time: The time in seconds to wait before fireing the trigger after Trigger() has been called.

Phase: The decimal percentage of Time + Random to start the delay countdown at. 0 means the entire time will need to elapse, 1 means it will fire instantly.

Random Min: The minimum value to add / subtract from Time at random.

Random Max: The maximum value to add / subtract from Time at random.

Reroll Random On Trigger: Whether the random time value will be re-rolled on each trigger. When left off, the random time value will only be set on the first Trigger() call.

Callable Methods

Trigger(): Fires the trigger.

SetTime(): Sets the Time propety.

SetPhase(): Sets the phase property.

SetRandomMin(): Sets the random min property.

SetRandomMax(): Sets the random max property.