Generic Triggers - Object Events

Add Component Path: BallisticNG -> Triggers Generic -> Object Events Trigger

A trigger with many events that listen for Unity MonoBehaviour calls.

This trigger is automated, calling Trigger() will call the regular Trigger Event instantly.

Trigger Properties

On Lua Trigger: Calls the OnTriggered method on the lua script object when triggered.

Trigger Event: What to do when the trigger is fired from Trigger().

On Start Event: What to do when the object has been enabled for the first time.

On Enabled Event: What to do when the object has been enabled (set active).

On Disabled Event: What to do when the object has been disabled (set inactive).

On Destroyed Event: What to do right before the object is destroyed.

On Become Visible Event: What to do when a mesh renderer attached to the same object has become visible to a camera. This will be called when inside of the camera’s view frustrum or if it has become visible through baked occlusion culling.

On Become Invisible Event: What to do when a mesh renderer attached to the same object has become invisible to a camera. This will be called when outside of the camera’s view frustum or if it has become invisible through baked occlusion culling.

On Will Render Object Event: What to do when a mesh renderer attached to the object will be rendered in the current frame.

Callable Methods

Trigger(): Fires the trigger.