Animation - Track Intro Pans

Add Component Path: BallisticNG -> Pre-Race -> Intro Overview

Track intro pans allow you to setup the pre-race panning camera that you see on the internal tracks. Each pan of the camera uses a spline to move the camera while a look at position is used to orientate it.


  • Create a new gameobject and attach the Intro Overview script

  • Click add path, this will create a new spline and path reference that you can edit

  • Enter a name for your path

  • Edit the spline to create the path you want the camera to follow

  • Create a new empty game object, position it where you want the camera to look when following the path and then assign it to the Lookat Start field.

  • If you want the camera to shift its focus to a different point by the end of the animation, create another object and assign it to the OPTIONAL Lookat End field

  • If you want fine control over the cameras up vector through its animation, create a gameobject and rotate it so its y axis is pointing along the up vector you desire and then assign it to the OPTIONAL Lookat Up

  • Set the speed you want the camera to travel down the spline at

  • Repeat from 2nd step for each path that you want