Triggers - Projectile

Add Component Path: BallisticNG -> Triggers -> Projectile Trigger


This script requires a collider component, make sure you have one attached and have Is Trigger set to true. If you are unsure what shape you should use, stick to a Box Collider.

The projectile trigger script is a basic trigger script that allows you to send events to other objects when a projectile has entered and left the zone.

Trigger Properties

On Enter Lua Trigger: Calls the OnBehaviourEnter method on the lua script object set when a projectile has entered the trigger zone.

On Exit Lua Trigger: Calls the OnBehaviourExit method on the lua script object set when a projectile has left the trigger zone.

Trigger Enter Event: Triggered when a projectile has entered the trigger zone.

Trigger Exit Event: Triggered when a projectile has left the trigger zone.