Display Shader
Shader Path: BallisticNG -> Display
The display shader is used for creating digital advert displays. This is the single sided version of Display (Double Sided) Shader
Name |
Description |
Base |
The diffuse texture to use. Normally you want to assign this a black texture. |
Scan Lines |
The scan line texture. Search for ‘Digital’ in the texture picker for a default texture. |
Illummination |
The additive illumination texture to use. These should your advert atlas. |
Ilumination Intensity |
The intensity of the illumination texture. |
Color |
The base color of the display. |
Flicker Speed |
How fast the display flickers. |
Flicker Strength |
How much the display flickers. |
Scanline Speed |
How fast the scanlines scroll. |
Allow Affine Mapping |
Whether the affine mapping option should be allowed to affect the material. |
Affine Blend |
How much the affine mapping option affects the material. |