Terrain Advanced Plus Shader


For this shader to work you must bake lighting information into mesh tangents. To do this, attach the Lightmapping Options script to any objects using a material with this shader and tick the Encode In Tangents option.

Shader Path: BallisticNG -> Terrain -> Terrain Advanced Plus

The terrain advanced plus shader is a complicated material that allows you to blend textures using vertex colors. It also provides you with additional options for perlin noise based color tinting and UV scaling.

On top of this, which is the base feature set for Terrain Advanced Shader, this shader also uses tri-planar mapping to unwrap and apply your textures at runtime, removing the need to UV the mesh correctly to get good results.

Blender Material Helper

If you’re using Blender we’ve provided Vertex Color Blend Material.blend in the game’s modding folder. Append this to your blender scene, import the material and then use blenders shader editor to assign textures to red, green and blue inputs. Now use the material preview render mode in the scene view and you can preview the textures for your terrain as you paint the colors on!




Noise Period

The disorder for the perlin noise.

Noise Scale

The scale of the perlin noise.

Texture Scale

The base scale of the texture for the tri-planar unwrapping.

Texture Hardness

How hard the transition between planar projections is.

Red Texture

The texture to blend into with the red channel in the vertex colors.

Red Noise Tint A/B

The tint colors for the red texture to blend between using the perlin noise.

Green Texture

The texture to blend into with the green channel in the vertex colors.

Green Noise Tint A/B

The tint colors for the green texture to blend between using the perlin noise.

Blue Texture

The texture to blend into with the blue channel in the vertex colors.

Blue Noise Tint A/B

The tint colors for the blue texture to blend between using the perlin noise.

Alpha Texture

The texture to blend into with the alpha channel in the vertex colors.

Alpha Noise Tint A/B

The tint colors for the alpha texture to blend between using the perlin noise.

Uv Settings

Controls UV scaling over a distance. X is the distance where the minimum scale is. Y is the distance where the maximum scale is. Y is the minumum scale. W is the maximum scale.


The tint of the terrain.

Allow Distance Clip

Whether the material will be distance clipped with the game’s distance clipping option.

Use World Noise

Whether the perlin noise is applied in world space or local space. If your terrain for some reason moves, untick this option.

Use World Triplanar

Whether the tri-planar mapping uses the world space position of the vertices for its unwrapping. If your terrain for some reason moves, untick this option.

Fog Color

The color of the shaders built in fog.

Fog Distance

The distance at which the built in fog will reach its maximum opacity.

Allow Affine Mapping

Whether affine mapping should be enabled on this material.

Affine Blend

How intense the affine mapping is.