Survival (Double Sided) Shader

Shader Path: BallisticNG -> Survival (Double Sided)

The shader used for the survival environment. This is the opaque double sided version of Survival (Double Sided) Shader and Survival Shader





The diffuse texture to use. Normally you want to assign this a black texture.

Screen Texture

The scan line texture. Search for ‘Digital’ in the texture picker for a default texture.


The additive illumination texture to use. These should your advert atlas.

Ilumination Intensity

The intensity of the illumination texture.

Countour Intensity

The intensity of the raising countour lines.

Countour Color Reduction

How intense the color is over the contour lines


The base color of the material close to the camera.


The base color of the material far from the camera.

Illumination Color

The global tint of the illumination map.

Screen Scale

The size of the screen texture.

Screen Intensity

The intensity of the screen texture..

Screen Offset

The starting offset of the screen texture.

Screen Scroll

The scroll speed of the screen texture.

Sweep Distance

The distance that Color and Color2 blends over.


The cubemap texture to use as a reflection source.

Allow Affine Mapping

Whether affine mapping should be enabled on this material.

Affine Blend

How intense the affine mapping is.