Water Shader

Shader Path: BallisticNG -> Water

The water shader is an advanced shader that simulates water, using a reflection probe source as a reflection source.




Water Surface

A diffuse overlay for the water.

Distortion (Normal Map)

The normal map to apply refraction distortion to everything below the water.

Distortion Intensity Map (Alpha)

Intensity mask for the refraction distortion.

Water Shine Map

Texture of the distance fresnel texture.

Global Color

The base color of the water surface.

Wave Shine Color

The color of the water shine.

Light Blend

How much the baked vertex colors affect the color of the water surface.

Water Refractive Color

The color of the world under the water.

Water Fog Color

The color of the water’s fog.

Water Fog Distance

The distance of the water’s fog.

Alpha Blend

Opacity of the water surface.

Wave Opacity Min/Max Distance

Controls the min/max distance of the distance fresnel texture blend.

Surface Scroll

Scrolling speed of the water surface texture.

Surface Overlay Scroll

Controls the intensiity of the distance fresnel texture. Z controls the intensity.

Refraction Intensity

Intensity of the waters light refraction.

Reflection Refraction Intensity

How much the reflection gets refracted.

Base Wave Speed

X and Y control the scroll speed of the normal map. W and Z control the tiling.

Blend Wave Speed

X and Y control the scroll speed of the 2nd normal map layer. W and Z control the tiling.

Reflection Color

The color of the waters reflection.

Fog Uses Depth Buffer

Whether the waters fog uses the depth buffer to determine fog depth.

Allow Edege Blend

Whether the depth buffer will be used to adjust the waters color when its shallow.

Dpeth Color

The color of the water at maximum depth.

Fade Settings

Controls color and alpha power/blend settings. X is the colors power. Y is the alphas power. Z is the color blend factor and W is the alpha blend factor.

Uv Settings

Controls UV scaling over a distance. X is the distance where the minimum scale is. Y is the distance where the maximum scale is. Y is the minumum scale. W is the maximum scale.